Pictured from left: Donni Steele, Michigan Representative; 艾玛·鲍文, OU Student; Johnathon Wertheimer, Policy Director for Michigan Representative Brenda Carter; Dave Dulio, Director of OU's Center for Civic Engagement; and Ora Pescovitz, OU总统.
“Is freedom of speech a necessity in order to have a healthy democracy?”
Michigan Representative Donni Steele presented a special tribute to OU student 艾玛·鲍文 in recognition of her winning essay in OU's inaugural Student Freedom of Speech Contest. |
That question prompted thoughtful and creative responses from dozens of students who participated in 365英国上市官网’s inaugural Student Freedom of Speech Contest, an initiative promoting constructive dialogue on the role of free speech in American government and society.
More than 50 students submitted entries, including essays, poems, drawings and videos. They were scored based on overall effectiveness, 举例的使用, use of unique or personal insights, use of a genuine tone and approach, 和创意. The contest was established by OU’s Center for Civic Engagement, in partnership with the Office of the President.
“This year's inaugural contest was an unqualified success,戴夫·杜里奥说, distinguished professor of political science and director of the Center for Civic Engagement. “We had great participation and great content. We received 55 entries from students in 29 programs and majors.”
Dulio called the contest “a great collaboration between 365英国上市官网 and members of the state legislature,” noting that Michigan Representatives Donni Steele and Brenda Carter were among those who evaluated the entries. Steele represents Michigan’s 54th House District, which includes OU’s campus. Carter, an OU alumna, represents the 53rd House District, which covers Pontiac and surrounding communities.
“两代表. 斯蒂尔和Rep. Carter are proponents of 365英国上市官网 and to have them involved as judges was a real treat,Dulio补充道.
艾玛·鲍文, a senior psychology major from Sterling Heights, was awarded the top score from the four-judge panel, which also included History Professor James Naus and Philosophy Professor Mark Navin. The winning submission received a $2,000 cash prize. Bowen also received a special tribute from the State of Michigan in recognition of her winning essay.
“I found the prompt incredibly thought-provoking, and I appreciated that it pertained to a relevant topic,鲍恩说. “Given that the First Amendment bestows the freedom of speech upon all of us, I think this issue is inherently relevant to the lives of all American citizens.”
From Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King, Jr., Bowen’s essay cited examples of intrepid leaders who gave voice to democratic ideals in pursuit of a more just and equitable society.
“Change is an essential component of a healthy democracy achieved through the power of words,鲍恩写道. “When given the freedom of speech, individuals can practice their autonomy and express their opinions fearlessly as they work to enact the changes they wish to see related to the direction of their government.”
倡导言论自由, Bowen drew from many areas of knowledge, including her psychology background: “When we consciously speak to ourselves in a positive manner, we experience a boost in emotional resilience and empowerment,她写道。.
Bowen concluded with a call to action, encouraging others to “speak up, even if your voice shakes.”
“一开始可能会让人望而生畏,她分享道。, “but using your voice allows you to tell meaningful stories, speak out about significant issues and effect lasting change.”